Restaurant Rant no. 1

Hi, I’m your server. I make $4.50 an hour. After you have completed your dining experience and tipped me an outdated percentage of 15%, please gather your children, belongings, senior citizens and go about your day. My table is not your home base for you to feed your baby and change your kids. The longer you stay, the more money you cost me. 

Please, be considerate to your server.

What bothers you about your fellow man?

In an attempt to gather more information for my Common F’n Courtesy book, I am coming here to ask you good (and obviously intelligent folk) for some insight to your pet peeves. What do other people do to show an obvious lack of common courtesy to you?


Common F*n Courtesy: Preface?

Can someone tell me what happened to the days of old, when man kind would reach a helping hand out to someone who needed it?  When we would come together by the many for the sake of just a few? I know that on some level, however dormant it may be, that mankind desires to be back on this level.

We have come to a time when we don’t trust one another.  We are often weary of our brothers and sisters, that they may “get one over on us”. We have become a materialistic, money-hungry society wherein it seems to have become every man for himself.

Is it in our nature to be judgmental? What sort of sick satisfaction to people get out of tearing another down?  When will the world realize that we are all part of the same Energy Field aka Universe?  By tearing down your fellow man, you are tearing down yourself. It is so simple.

To be continued…

Common F***ing Courtesy, It’s Not That Hard.

It has long been my dream to get a book published.  A topic that I decided might be important to touch on is Common Courtesy.  It is something that I take pride in.  And the absence of it in the world today, really Grinds my Gears.  I think maybe if I created a manual, an easy to understand go-to guide on the basics of Common Courtesy, that maybe I could help the world one numb skull at a time.

Some of the categories in this book might be:

  • Driving Etiquette: There are other people on the road other than yourself, asshole.
  • How to behave in a restaurant:  How to treat the wait staff, How to take care of your children in public, How to tip accordingly.
  • How to behave in public: a grown ups guide.
  • General Niceties: Good ol’ Fashioned good manners.
  • Where did we go wrong?
  • The best way to deal with an inconsiderate individual.

Over the past couple years, I have run this basic idea past some people who’s feedback I respect.  They have shed some light on some of the things that other people do that bother them. Basically, I am looking for feedback and ideas.  Don’t worry, I will give you credit as a contributor in my book, if your idea makes the cut.

Here are just a few examples of some of the things that might be included:

  1. When approaching the Exact Change lane of a toll booth, please have your coins ready in hand.  Do not pull up to the basket, put your car in park and start rooting around your car for change.
  2. When in a merge lane, please do not wait until the exact last second to get over, screwing everybody else who has been patiently waiting their turn.
  3. When your child is screaming in a public place, especially a restaurant, please remove the child from the premises and take them outside until they are calm again.  Please, do not continue on about your business like nothing is happening. Parent your damned kids!
  4. When dining in a restaurant, never ever shake your empty glass at your server.  You have no idea how rude that is, and you may not like what may be included in your next beverage. This applies to your children as well.
  5. When dining in a restaurant and your server is at another table, please do not wave your arms, yell, or touch the server to get their attention. They know you are there, and that you need something.  You are not the only person in the restaurant.
  6. Do not act entitled to anything in life.  Be grateful for things you do have, and do not bitch about the things you feel you deserve.
  7. When on a bus or other form of public transportation, please give a person with special needs, elderly folk, or children your seat, if there are no more seats available.
  8. Always use “Please” and “Thank You.” Sounds simple enough, right? You would be surprised how much further basic good manners can get you.
  9. Always use someone’s name, when possible. It is proven that people like to hear their own name, and are more willing to help someone who uses it. Also, try to remember people’s names. The trick is to use it 2-3 times in conversation when you meet them.  This will help to solidify it in your brain.
  10. Always treat people with respect, whether it be the toll booth attendant, the grocery or retail cashier, the custodian or the maid, the garbage collector, mail carrier, children, or even the homeless person sleeping on the side of the building. Every human being deserves to be treated with respect and Common Courtesy. It’s not that hard. By treating people with respect you are showing them that it is ok to do the same.  Common Courtesy could be an epidemic that spreads like wildfire if we make a conscious effort to practice it.

These are just a few ideas that I have had for a while.  I am open to criticism, feedback, ideas/suggestions.

Thanks for giving me a little bit of your time.

One Love.

Dipping my toe in the water…

I can’t help but play the Doogie Howser, M.D. music in my head while I type this.  Is anybody actually interested in anything I have to say?  We shall see.  Have you people nothing better to do with your time?  Have I nothing better to do with my time?  The answer to both, is undoubtedly “no.”

So stay tuned for such riveting topics as:

  • Quantum Physics
  • Law of Attraction
  • Karmic Law
  • Common F*ing Courtesy
  • and other Random Musings

Thanks for letting me waste some of your time, today.

One Love!